Emily receives Mental Health Champion Award from Arisa Health this week in honor of National School Counseling Week
Emily Couture is one of two winners from Northwest Arkansas and one of six across Arkansas to receive a Mental Health Champion Award from Arisa Health this week in honor of National School Counseling Week.
Ozark Guidance/Arisa Health partners with over 150 schools across Northwest Arkansas, so this is quite an honor. Couture was nominated three separate times including nominations from her school principal Allison Strange, and by both the Arisa Health employees serving Harp Elementary, Therapist Allison Pulliam and Qualified Behavioral Health Provider Abigail Edmonds. Together they recognized many intangible and also very tangible contributions Emily makes to Harp Hawks, from institutionalizing morning meetings to caring for Butterbean, the therapy bunny! Strange said, Emily "has set our entire school community on the pathway to being a trauma informed school."
Congratulations Wendy Couture!