Here is this week's parent update. We are celebrating Read Across America this week, and tomorrow is wear green day (Green Eggs and Ham)! We are so excited to be back at school tomorrow! Aquí está la actualización para padres de esta semana. ¡Estamos celebrando Read Across America esta semana, y mañana es el día de vestirse verde (huevos verdes y jamón)! ¡Estamos muy emocionados de volver a la escuela mañana!
almost 3 years ago, Westwood Elementary
Read Across America
Due to inclement weather on Friday, February 25, 2022, Springdale Public Schools will have an AMI (remote teaching and learning) day. All School buildings will be closed.
almost 3 years ago, Springdale School District
Springdale schools will have an AMI day Friday, February 25th due to road conditions. You are experts by now, but here's the parent AMI information if you need it. Let us know if we can help! Las escuelas de Springdale tendrán un día AMI el viernes 25 de febrero debido a las condiciones de las carreteras. Ya son expertos, pero aquí está la información de la AMI principal si la necesita. ¡Déjanos saber si podemos ayudar!
almost 3 years ago, Westwood Elementary
Due to inclement weather on Thursday, February 24, 2022, Springdale Public Schools will have an AMI (remote teaching and learning) day. All School buildings will be closed.
almost 3 years ago, Springdale School District
AMI- 2-24-22  English
AMI- 2-24-22  Spanish
AMI- 2-24-22  Marshallese
Good afternoon- we hope you are staying safe and warm. Dr. Cleveland has decided tomorrow will be another AMI day due to unsafe road conditions. You'll do one zoom and the assigned work through Seesaw or Google Classroom. Hang in there!
almost 3 years ago, Westwood Elementary
Here is our special edition newsletter with all zoom times, etc. for tomorrow's AMI day. Let us know if we can help.
almost 3 years ago, Westwood Elementary
Due to inclement weather on Wednesday, February 23, 2022, Springdale Public Schools will have an AMI (remote teaching and learning) day. All School buildings will be closed.
almost 3 years ago, Springdale Public Schools
Padres de Westwood: el superintendente ha decidido que mañana será un día AMI. Esto significa que los estudiantes deben trabajar en sus dispositivos y asistir a un zoom con sus maestros; esto nos permitirá contarlos como "presentes", y no recuperamos los días de AMI al final del año. Si hay una acumulación de hielo que provoca cortes de energía, el distrito considerará cerrar en lugar de AMI. Estén atentos y manténganse seguros y cálidos.
almost 3 years ago, Westwood Elementary
Westwood parents- the superintendent has decided tomorrow will be an AMI day. This means students should do work on their devices as well as attend one zoom with their teachers; this will allow us to count them "present", and we don't make up AMI days at the end of the year. If there is ice accumulation that leads to power outages, the district will look at closing instead of AMI. Stay tuned, and stay safe and warm.
almost 3 years ago, Westwood Elementary
Due to inclement weather on Wednesday, February 23, 2022, Springdale Public Schools will have an AMI (remote teaching and learning) day. All School buildings will be closed.
almost 3 years ago, Springdale School District
AMI Day Marshallese
AMI Day Spanish
AMI Day- English
Parents- we are sending home devices today in case of inclement weather. If your student is not at school today, please make arrangements to come by today and pick it up by 4:00. It will be spring soon! Padres: hoy enviaremos dispositivos a casa en caso de mal tiempo. Si su estudiante no está en la escuela hoy, haga arreglos para venir hoy y recogerlo a las 4:00. ¡Pronto será primavera!
almost 3 years ago, Westwood Elementary
Hey there- we had several parents calling this morning wondering if we had school. We want to make sure you know the calendar for the whole year is on the district website here Also, this calendar is at the bottom of every weekly parent newsletter update we send out. We also do phone calls/messages if we have a day off. Thanks!
almost 3 years ago, Westwood Elementary
Kindergarten Registration Information
almost 3 years ago, Westwood Elementary
Kindergarten Registration Information
Kindergarten Registration Information
Here is this week's parent update- come visit the book fair this week!
almost 3 years ago, Westwood Elementary
We are Howling with Pride over these Wolves!!! They were recognized today for making good choices, working hard and showing great character! Keep it up, Wolves!!! 💕
almost 3 years ago, Westwood Elementary
howling with pride
A cold and rainy day calls for indoor recess. We love watching our Wolves using their collaboration skills and teamwork while having fun! 💕
almost 3 years ago, Westwood Elementary
indoor recess
Lots of great learning happening at our school. Proud of all the students’ hard work! Way to go Wolves!
almost 3 years ago, Westwood Elementary
Enrollment for the 2022-23 school year at Don Tyson School of Innovation is LIVE! Visit for more info. Computer access for completing enrollment is available in the West Hub of the DTSOI campus. Are you #DTSOInTheFam?
almost 3 years ago, Springdale Public Schools
Here's this week's World of Westwood Wolves parent information update. Have a great week!
almost 3 years ago, Westwood Elementary
Valentine’s Day parties & Paw Points celebrations made yesterday such a fun day! So thankful for our parent/staff volunteers who made these celebrations possible! 💕
almost 3 years ago, Westwood Elementary
k-2 Paw point party
paw point