When you qualify for Free or Reduced Price Lunch you also get FREE resources and opportunities! https://www.smore.com/h18vp-schoolcafe-com
almost 4 years ago, Springdale School District
Padres, por favor lean el anuncio importante sobre almuerzos gratis y reducidos. ¡Es más que un almuerzo!
almost 4 years ago, Springdale School District
Parents, please read the important announcement about free and reduced lunch. More than just a meal!
almost 4 years ago, Springdale School District
¡Estamos emocionados por esta oportunidad virtual para que nuestros padres aprendan inglés! We’re excited about this virtual opportunity for our parents to learn English!
almost 4 years ago, Westwood Elementary
English class
English class
A great day at WW!
almost 4 years ago, Westwood Elementary
Sunshine in a box
We had a great turnout for our first food giveaway from the NWA Food Pantry. We served around 80 families. Thanks to our social worker, Grace, and our staff who volunteered to help. 💜
almost 4 years ago, Westwood Elementary
Loading car
Please make plans to drive through Thursday between 3:30-4:30 to get a free box of food for your family! See more information at the top of the live feed or in a previous Facebook post. 100 boxes- first come, first serve.
almost 4 years ago, Westwood Elementary
Kindergarten students enjoyed their specials today! ¡Los estudiantes de kínder disfrutaron sus especiales hoy!
almost 4 years ago, Westwood Elementary
We are excited to announce our partnership with the NWA Mobile Food Bank! We will have 100 boxes of food to give out next Thursday, Sept. 3rd. This will be first come first serve, and we will begin at 3:30. You can line up in the car rider line beginning at 3:25. The boxes will include non-perishable items, fresh produce, and frozen protein. Thanks to the NWA Food Bank! ¡Nos complace anunciar nuestra asociación con NWA Mobile Food Bank! Tendremos 100 cajas de comida para repartir el próximo jueves 3 de septiembre. Esto será por orden de llegada, y comenzaremos a las 3:30. Puede alinearse en la línea de pasajeros en automóvil a partir de las 3:25. Las cajas incluirán artículos no perecederos, productos frescos y proteína congelada. ¡Gracias al Banco de Alimentos de NWA!
almost 4 years ago, Westwood Elementary
Mobile Food Bank
We are very thankful for our breakfast this morning. Mrs. Taylor won a breakfast for the whole faculty & staff during the Chamber event at back to school celebration! It’s going to be a wonderful Friday!
almost 4 years ago, Westwood Elementary
Mrs. Taylor
Swinging is our favorite! ¡Columpiar es nuestro favorito!
almost 4 years ago, Westwood Elementary
If your student is blended, he/she will not be able to bring home a device until the technology form is signed. This year, it is on-line and you sign it through Registration Gateway update. We need this updated because we are able to get the most recent phone numbers, medical information, emergency contacts, etc. If you need help knowing how to do this, we posted a video that is available on the Facebook page or our school page. As always, call the office if you need help or want to come use our computer. Students who do not complete work at home on remote learning days will be counted absent, and we don't want them to get behind. Thank you! Si su estudiante está mezclado, no podrá traer a casa un dispositivo hasta que se firme el formulario de tecnología. Este año, está en línea y lo firma a través de la actualización de Registration Gateway. Necesitamos esta actualización porque podemos obtener los números de teléfono más recientes, información médica, contactos de emergencia, etc. Si necesita ayuda para saber cómo hacer esto, publicamos un video que está disponible en la página de Facebook o en la página de nuestra escuela. Como siempre, llame a la oficina si necesita ayuda o quiere venir a usar nuestra computadora. Los estudiantes que no completen el trabajo en casa en los días de aprendizaje remoto se contarán como ausentes y no queremos que se atrasen. ¡Gracias!
almost 4 years ago, Westwood Elementary
Don't forget- if your student is blended and you need help while at home doing remote learning, email westwoodinfo@sdale.org and we will reply or call you as soon as we can. If you email your child's teacher, they are busy teaching and may not see it until after school. You can also call the office anytime- we are here to help! No lo olvide, si su estudiante está mezclado y necesita ayuda mientras está en casa haciendo aprendizaje remoto, envíe un correo electrónico a westwoodinfo@sdale.org y le responderemos o le llamaremos tan pronto como podamos. Si envía un correo electrónico al maestro de su hijo, significa que están ocupados enseñando y es posible que no lo vean hasta después de la escuela. También puede llamar a la oficina en cualquier momento, ¡estamos aquí para ayudarlo!
almost 4 years ago, Westwood Elementary
Are you at home doing remote learning and need help? You can email us at westwoodinfo@sdale.org and someone will get back to you as quickly as possible. You are also welcome to call the school; if you need someone who speaks Spanish, there is someone in the office between 7:30-8:00, 11:20-12:15, and 3:00-3:30. ¿Estás en casa haciendo aprendizaje remoto y necesitas ayuda? Puede enviarnos un correo electrónico a westwoodinfo@sdale.org y alguien se comunicará con usted lo antes posible. También puede llamar a la escuela; Si necesita a alguien que hable español, hay alguien en la oficina entre las 7: 30-8: 00, las 11: 20-12: 15 y las 3: 00-3: 30.
almost 4 years ago, Westwood Elementary
We had a great start to our day with our car line finishing by 7:48! Just a few arrival reminders- the car line starts unloading at 7:30. If you come in from the east on McRay, you wait in the school lane. If you come in from the west, you turn left to the inside lane. Students may not be dropped off on McRay as this is a safety issue. Thanks for your cooperation and patience. Tuvimos un gran comienzo para nuestro día con nuestra línea de autos terminando a las 7:48! Solo algunos recordatorios de llegada: la línea de automóviles comienza a descargar a las 7:30. Si viene desde el este por McRay, espere en el carril de la escuela. Si viene desde el oeste, gire a la izquierda hacia el carril interior. No se puede dejar a los estudiantes en McRay ya que esto es un problema de seguridad. Gracias por su cooperación y paciencia.
almost 4 years ago, Westwood Elementary
What a great first day at Westwood Elementary (even with COVID changes)! Our kids did a great job wearing masks and staying safe. We can't wait to see everyone tomorrow! (P.S. The car line will get faster- this happens every year.)
almost 4 years ago, Westwood Elementary
We will have one lunch option right now for elementary- here's the menu for this week. Monday- Ham and cheese sandwich Tues- Pepperoni Pizza Wed- Spaghetti Thur- Lunch pak pizza Fri- Chicken sliders Of course, your child may bring a lunch box if you would prefer. See you soon!
almost 4 years ago, Westwood Elementary
Free Childcare for Essential Workers while funds last. Please follow the prompts below. Taking care of our essential workers is another reason why Springdale Schools is #THEChoice
almost 4 years ago, Springdale School District
Updated parent newsletter from the office: https://www.smore.com/9qujs-the-world-of-westwood-wolves
almost 4 years ago, Westwood Elementary
Do you have a 4th grader coming to Westwood? Here's a great opportunity for them to spend more time with their teachers prior to Monday! Join in a zoom Friday, August 21st at 10:30 am. Here are the links: Mrs. James: https://sdale.zoom.us/j/97124738926 Meeting ID: 971 2473 8926 Mrs. Frauenthal: https://sdale.zoom.us/j/98422027717 Meeting ID: 984 2202 7717
almost 4 years ago, Westwood Elementary