Please remember to take a moment and fill out the Free and Reduced Lunch form Apply at by September 25th
over 5 years ago, Springdale School District
Such an exciting day for the Plante boys to have their dad in the building as a WatchDog Dad!
over 5 years ago, Westwood Elementary
WatchDog Dad, Mr. Plante.
Don’t want to cook tonight? We’ve got a great option for you that will raise money for our school!
over 5 years ago, Westwood Elementary
Slim Chickens
Reminder Apply at by September 25th
over 5 years ago, Springdale School District
Apply at by September 25th
over 5 years ago, Springdale School District
Coming up next week...
over 5 years ago, Westwood Elementary
Slim Chickens
Apply at by September 25th
over 5 years ago, Springdale School District
Sonics tryouts!
over 5 years ago, Westwood Elementary
We were so glad to have Mr. Burson with us as a WatchDOG Dad today!
over 5 years ago, Westwood Elementary
Mr. Burson
Apply at by September 25th
over 5 years ago, Springdale School District
Other Programs
It’s time! Your lunch status from last year expires on 9/25 if you haven’t filled out your new form. This information stays within S’dale Public Schools- it is not shared outside the district. Apply today!
over 5 years ago, Westwood Elementary
Lunch application
It’s a great day at Westwood! We are 3-D printing sharks, using a map in art to help us draw, and setting reading goals.
over 5 years ago, Westwood Elementary
3-D printer
Reading goal
Using map in art
The book fair is coming! It will be here during conferences. Link:
over 5 years ago, Westwood Elementary
Book fair
We are celebrating today- our car rider line this morning finished by 7:47! Please continue to help us by arriving early (we start unloading at 7:20). We have opened the side car rider line so those with older students can drop them off in the back. School starts at 7:45- thanks!
over 5 years ago, Westwood Elementary
Just a reminder- no school Monday (Labor Day) and Tuesday (teacher learning day). See you Wednesday!
over 5 years ago, Westwood Elementary
More fun with our Watchdog Dad! If you are interested in spending some time at our school this year, please email me at or stop by/call the office. We 💜 volunteers!
over 5 years ago, Westwood Elementary
Victory standing up
Watchdog Dad in Mrs. Harmon’s class
We are having a great day at Westwood! We are so thankful to have a Watchdog Dad today- welcome Mr. Bumstead and Victory!
over 5 years ago, Westwood Elementary
Mr. Bumstead
Meet the Principal happening at 5:30...hope to see you soon! (Pizza is waiting on you!)
over 5 years ago, Westwood Elementary
The Springdale Education Foundation is hosting the 2nd annual duck race. Will Westwood sponsor more ducks than Mr. Swope at Lee?!?
over 5 years ago, Westwood Elementary
Duck race
Our new principal, Mrs. Crumby, would love to meet more of our awesome Westwood Wolf parents! Please come visit on Aug. 27 at either 8:00 (donuts) or 5:30 (pizza). Please comment if you plan on attend and tell us which time to help us plan for food. Thanks!
over 5 years ago, Westwood Elementary