Northwest Arkansas homebuyers and those who serve them can register now to attend the Destination Springdale Preview on March 13 from 1-2 p.m. at Rollins School of Innovation! The FREE event will include a tour, speed networking, hands-on activities and more! #SpringdaleFamily
10 months ago, Springdale Public Schools
Don't forget- today is our "Goodies with Grownups" in our fairytale "Once Upon a Time" bookfair in the library! It's a drop in event from 1:50-3:00- hope to see you soon!
10 months ago, Westwood Elementary
Northwest Arkansas homebuyers and those who serve them are invited to attend the Destination Springdale Preview event on March 13 from 1-2 p.m. at Rollins School of Innovation! The FREE event will include a tour, speed networking, hands-on activities and more! #SpringdaleFamily
11 months ago, Springdale Public Schools
Northwest Arkansas homebuyers and those who serve them are invited to attend the Destination Springdale Preview event on March 13 from 1-2 p.m. at Rollins School of Innovation! The FREE event will include a tour, speed networking, hands-on activities and more! #SpringdaleFamily
11 months ago, Springdale Public Schools
For the second day of Read Across America, let's wear a hat! 💕
11 months ago, Westwood Elementary
It's conference week! Please be sure you attend your conference on time, and your students must come with you so they can tell you about what they've been learning! Also, we are going to use an online form this year for enrollment for 2024-25 (for current K-4 students). Here's the link- completing this will save your child a spot next year, so it's very important. You can stop by the office and complete it during conferences if you'd like. See you soon! ¡Es la semana de conferencias! ¡Asegúrese de asistir a su conferencia a tiempo y sus estudiantes deben venir con usted para que puedan contarle lo que han estado aprendiendo! Además, este año utilizaremos un formulario en línea para la inscripción para 2024-25 (para estudiantes actuales de K-4). Aquí está el enlace: completar esto le ahorrará a su hijo un lugar el próximo año, por lo que es muy importante. Puede pasar por la oficina y completarlo durante las conferencias si lo desea. ¡Nos vemos pronto!
11 months ago, Westwood Elementary
Kindergarten Registration is Here!
11 months ago, Westwood Elementary
ATLAS Writing Summative Assessment for our 3rd-5th graders tomorrow starting at 9 am. What can you do to help your student do his/her best on the Summative Assessments? Make sure your student gets a good night’s sleep. A good breakfast on test day is fuel for the brain. Arrive on time for the assessment. Encourage your child to do his/her best.
11 months ago, Westwood Elementary
To kick off Read Across America tomorrow, we would like to our Wolves to wear their favorite color!
11 months ago, Westwood Elementary
read across America
Testing time is here! The ATLAS writing assessment for all 3rd-5th graders will take place Monday starting at 9 am. All of our English Learners will be taking the ELPA21 assessment starting this week. More information is available in today's newsletter.
11 months ago, Westwood Elementary
WW newsletter
Battle of the books!!! It was a tough battle but the 5th grade team won this year! They will represent Westwood at the district battle on Friday, March 15th at the Springdale Public Library. Support our Westwood Wolves as they seek the championship for the first annual Elementary Battle of the Books! Congrats to Yaneli, Zuzu & Izzy. We know you’ll represent Westwood well! #SpringdaleFamily
11 months ago, Westwood Elementary
battle of f the books
Here is the lunch menu for the month of March!
11 months ago, Westwood Elementary
Mrs. Chacon and Ms. Kongmany’s classes toured the Westwood kitchen as part of their community helpers unit. Students put on hairnets and gloves before their tour started. They watched food being prepared and even saw the walk-in freezers. Thank you to our wonderful food service ladies for making this happen!
11 months ago, Westwood Elementary
Lots of great information in this week's newsletter!
11 months ago, Westwood Elementary
Don't forget- our Westwood "Aloha" Dance is coming up this Friday! Students can dress up in tropical/Hawaiian/Marshallese clothing/accessories, or just come in regular clothes! Tickets are only $1, and we will have food available for sale.
11 months ago, Westwood Elementary
Last Monday, our second graders learned about the importance of staying hydrated. All second graders listened to a presentation from Kendrick Fincher Hydration For Life! Shout out to Coach McGraw for organizing this learning opportunity for our Wolves! #SpringdaleFamily
11 months ago, Westwood Elementary
2nd grade
hydration presentation
2nd grade
CAMP WAR EAGLE SPRINGDALE PAPERWORK NIGHT Summer is coming soon! That means it is time to complete and submit your Camp War Eagle camper paperwork. Camp War Eagle will be hosting a paperwork night to answer questions and help you complete the required forms. When: Thursday, March 6th from 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm. Where: Camp War Eagle Offices at the Jones Center (922 E Emma Avenue, Springdale, AR) Bring your Kids: Your kids can have fun at our Elementary OZONE program while you complete your camper paperwork! Remember to bring your shot records, medical insurance cards, and physical if you have it! Questions? Call 479-751-8899 or email
11 months ago, Westwood Elementary
Save the Date! Don Tyson School of Innovation Enrollment opens March 1st at 10 am. #SpringdaleFamily
11 months ago, Springdale Public Schools
DTSOI Enrolment
DTSOI Enrolment
Last Thursday was SRO/CSSO appreciation day- we love our CSSO, Ranger! He's an invaluable part of our school family!
11 months ago, Westwood Elementary
11 months ago, Westwood Elementary
Parent Newsletter