Good evening- Tuesday folders went home today with a lot of important information inside including 1st quarter report cards, the November newsletter from the office, and more. You'll want to get in the habit of checking the blue folder each Tuesday so you don't miss important information. Have a great rest of your evening! Buenas noches, las carpetas del martes se enviaron a casa hoy con mucha información importante, incluidas las boletas de calificaciones del primer trimestre, el boletín de noviembre de la oficina y más. Querrá adquirir el hábito de revisar la carpeta azul todos los martes para no perderse información importante. ¡Que tengas un gran resto de tu noche!
over 2 years ago, Westwood Elementary
Reminder- free food giveaway today! We will start around 3:35 to give the car rider line a chance to clear out. See you soon! Recordatorio: obsequio de comida gratis hoy. Comenzaremos alrededor de las 3:35 para darle a la línea de automovilistas la oportunidad de despejarse. ¡Te veo pronto!
over 2 years ago, Westwood Elementary
mobile food pantry
Westwood Wolves loved doing our Halloween Parade and getting cheers by their peers as they walked down the halls.
over 2 years ago, Westwood Elementary
Halloween Parade
Halloween Parade
Halloween Parade
Halloween Parade
Halloween Parade
Halloween Parade
Halloween Parade
Halloween Parade
Halloween Parade
Halloween is here! The Westwood Staff is celebrating as well!
over 2 years ago, Westwood Elementary
Social Butterflies
2nd grad Disney Villans
5 Little Pupkins of Pre-K
The Wizard of Oz Specialists
Kindergarten's One Fish, Two Fish....
The Bad Seed Crew
3rd grade parents- you don't want to miss this one!
over 2 years ago, Westwood Elementary
3rd program- hats
Here's this week's parent update with lots of information including a new program to encourage being here and on time. Have a great week! Aquí está la actualización para padres de esta semana con mucha información, incluido un nuevo programa para alentar a estar aquí ya tiempo. ¡Que tengas una buena semana!
over 2 years ago, Westwood Elementary
It has been a SUPER Friday at Westwood with all of our Super Hero Wolves!
over 2 years ago, Westwood Elementary
Hazel with Ms Vangs Class
Westwood's Super Staff
kids in super hero clothes
kids in super hero clothes
Tomorrow, we are showing that being drug free is our superpower because superheroes don't do drugs! Students can wear a superhero shirt, etc. ¡Mañana, mostraremos que estar libre de drogas es nuestro superpoder porque los superhéroes no consumen drogas! Los estudiantes pueden usar una camiseta de superhéroe, etc.
over 2 years ago, Westwood Elementary
Our Westwood Family has enjoy Red Ribbon Week! Tomorrow is the last day and it is Super Hero Day!!
over 2 years ago, Westwood Elementary
Sports Teams Day!
4 boys in their jerseys
student and teacher in jerseys
two students in jerseys on playground
Hazel with wacky hair
3rd grade teachers with wacky hair
1st grade students with wacky hair
Ms Jobe's class with fun hair!
Ms K's pre-K on wacky day
Some kindergarten students on wacky day with Hazel
Tomorrow, we are drug free from head to toe! Kids can wear crazy socks and/or have crazy hair. We will also have colored hair spray for $1 per color. Also, if you have a pumpkin for the decorating contest, be sure your child brings it in the morning-judging is tomorrow. Happy Red Ribbon Week! ¡Mañana estaremos libres de drogas de pies a cabeza! Los niños pueden usar calcetines locos y/o tener el pelo loco. También tendremos spray para el cabello de color por $1 por color. Además, si tiene una calabaza para el concurso de decoración, asegúrese de que su hijo la traiga por la mañana; el juicio es mañana. ¡Feliz Semana del Listón Rojo!
over 2 years ago, Westwood Elementary
Since the kids didn't have school Monday, you may have forgotten today is Wednesday- it is! That means school is over in a little over an hour- 1:50 dismissal. See you soon! Como los niños no tuvieron escuela el lunes, es posible que haya olvidado que hoy es miércoles, ¡lo es! Eso significa que la escuela termina en poco más de una hora: salida a la 1:50. ¡Te veo pronto!
over 2 years ago, Westwood Elementary
hump day
Is your student missing a jacket or a coat? Please remind them to look through the lost & found at school. If you recognize any items, please contact the office to let us know. Thank you!💕 ¿A su estudiante le falta una chaqueta o un abrigo? Por favor, recuérdeles que revisen los objetos perdidos y encontrados en la escuela. Si reconoce algún artículo, comuníquese con la oficina para dejarnos saber. ¡Gracias!💕
over 2 years ago, Westwood Elementary
lost and found
Happy Red Ribbon week! We sent notes home and it's in the weekly parent update, but in case you need a reminder, tomorrow is "drugs aren't going to ruin my game" day with team/sports shirts, jerseys, etc. Also, if your student would like to make a fire escape plan for your home for a chance to win a ride to school in the fire truck, those are due next Monday 10/31. Thanks! ¡Feliz semana del Listón Rojo! Enviamos notas a casa y está en la actualización semanal para padres, pero en caso de que necesite un recordatorio, mañana es el día "las drogas no van a arruinar mi juego" con camisetas de equipo/deportivas, jerseys, etc. Además, si su estudiante Si desea hacer un plan de escape en caso de incendio para su hogar para tener la oportunidad de ganar un viaje a la escuela en el camión de bomberos, vencen el próximo lunes 10/31. ¡Gracias!
over 2 years ago, Westwood Elementary
Thank you so much for supporting our book fair!
over 2 years ago, Westwood Elementary
Book Fair Success!
Kindergarten parents- the pumpkin patch field trip for tomorrow has been rescheduled to Tuesday, Nov. 1st due to continuing rain in the forecast- the location and times will be the same. Thanks! Padres de kínder: la excursión al huerto de calabazas para mañana se ha reprogramado para el martes 1 de noviembre debido a que continúa el pronóstico de lluvia; el lugar y los horarios serán los mismos. ¡Gracias!
over 2 years ago, Westwood Elementary
Check out this week's parent update with lots of reminders about Red Ribbon week dress up days, the pumpkin contest, and more! We are now also on Instagram @westwoodwolves
over 2 years ago, Westwood Elementary
parent newsletter
What a great Friday at Westwood! 2nd grade experimented with a volcano, 1st graders learned about sound with homemade kazoos, and some 3rd graders moved their worms to the worm farm!
over 2 years ago, Westwood Elementary
Our fifth graders learned about US flag etiquette from the NW Arkansas Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA). Make sure to ask your fifth grade student what s/he learned at school today! 🇺🇸
over 2 years ago, Westwood Elementary
flag program
flag program
District administrators and School Board members enjoyed lunch today with Westwood Elementary School students! Alpha leadership team students also shared the school’s motto with the visitors and led them on a tour of the school. #SpringdaleFamily
over 2 years ago, Springdale Public Schools
event photo
event photo
event photo
event photo
Just a reminder- it's Wednesday which means early dismissal at 1:50! Solo un recordatorio: ¡es miércoles, lo que significa salida temprana a la 1:50!
over 2 years ago, Westwood Elementary
hump day