We had a mystery reader in 5th grade today- Mrs. Lassiter gave her students clues, then the reader revealed herself to be…. Noelia Lopez (the mother of one our awesome students- Stephany B.). Thank you so much, Ms. Lopez!
Parents- if you have not filled out a free/reduced lunch form, now is the time! If you qualified last year, the grace period is running out, and you will start being charged for lunches soon. Unfortunately, the federal COVID relief that provided free lunch for all students last year ended, so we are back to either paying for lunch or receiving free or reduced. Fill out your form today! https://www.schoolcafe.com/SPRINGDALEPS
It’s a beautiful morning for a morning walk!
¡Es una hermosa mañana para caminar!
Watch for reminder about change in dismissal (1:50 today since it’s Wed and 3:10 all other days) https://youtu.be/oTmUlHQM81o
Submit Free and Reduced Meal Applications Today!
The new school year comes with changes to how students purchase or receive school meals.
To receive free and reduced meals this year, families must complete an application and qualify. School districts are no longer receiving funding from the federal government that provided free meals to all students.
GIFT CARD & GRILL GIVEAWAY | Complete a Free and Reduced Meal Form to be eligible to WIN! More information on the flyer below. Visit WWW.SCHOOLCAFE.COM/SPRINGDALEPS to apply!
Our first mobile food pantry snuck up on us! We are having our September free food giveaway today! We will begin around 3:30 and give away food until around 4:15 in the front. It will be the first Tuesday of every month (except for Jan.). See you this afternoon!
Here is this week's parent update! We hope you enjoyed the long weekend. https://www.smore.com/hcywq
Springdale School District Drive-Through Food Giveaway
Distrito Escolar de Springdale Evento de Comida Gratis
Click here to sign up: https://bit.ly/3AJDeDZ
What a great day at Westwood!
Westwood friends and family, please save the dates for our fall book fair. It will take place during school and parent teacher conferences the week of September 26th-30th. Click the link to shop our online fair and set up your ewallet for your student to shop with during book fair hours. Shopping the book fair helps give money back to purchase more books for our school!
Hey Wolf parents- thanks so much for your help with car rider line- we had our fastest day yet yesterday! I have added the Sept. lunch menu to the parent newsletter so you'll know for Thurs. and Fri. https://www.smore.com/kez5j Have a great day!
SEPT. 14, 2022 | Mark your calendars for this family friendly event you can't miss! Activities for all ages and information for parents and more! To learn more and to RSVP for this AMAZING event go to https://fb.me/e/dk8kCA4Vk and visit www.sdale.org/rally ! #SpringdaleFamily
It's time for another edition of the "World of Westwood Wolves" parent update! This one has some ways parents can help our car line move a little faster, shirts for sale, and much more. Check it out! https://www.smore.com/kez5j
Westwood Elementary School’s Joshua Soliz, Lilly Rugg and Enrique Hernandez won first place in three categories in the Make:Able Challenge for a project designed to serve a classmate! #SpringdaleFamily
What a fabulous week at Westwood! We have makerspace happening in the Curiosity Corner, math problem solving, and some special readers having Donuts with Hazel!
Just a reminder- it's Wednesday! That means school ends early. Walkers are dismissed at 1:45 and car riders will start right after walkers clear out. 3rd-5th graders will be picked up on the side until 2:05; all cars who arrive after 2:05 should go through the front line. See you in a little over an hour!
To receive free and reduced meals this year, families must complete an application and qualify. School districts are no longer receiving funding from the federal government that provided free meals to all students.
Apply now: https://www.schoolcafe.com/SPRINGDALEPS
Here is the next edition of the World of Westwood Wolves parent update! If you are seeing this via Facebook or on our website and did not receive it via text, be sure and check out the link in the update to sign up for texts. Have a great rest of the weekend! https://www.smore.com/ny985
Hey Wolves! Tuesday folders should have been sent home today. There are lunch forms, menus, information from the office, and car tags for those who did not pick them up. Be sure and check every Tuesday to stay in the know!